Kanji N5 Mug


Study Kanji Level beginner JLPT N5: You just started learning Japanese. You’re cruising through your beginner kanji list nice and easy.

木. Hey, a tree!

山. Hey, a mountain! Heck yeah, this is easy!

The characters even sort of looks like trees and mountains. But then you look at the pronunciations… wait, why are there two ways of reading 木? Is it もく or is it き? Do I read 山 as さん or やま? almost all kanji have at least one on’yomi (Chinese origin) and one kun’yomi (Japanese origin) reading.

So if you want to easily read Japanese you’ll need to know them both. On this mug, on’yomi is written in blue and kun’yomi in red. If you don’t know how to read hiragana and katakana yet, hiragana mug and katakana mug are available in the shop. Have a great study!



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